Honghuan High tensile strength PP woven geotxtile can reach tensile strength max at 120KN. Featured: 33KN, 40KN, 50KN, 70KN, 80KN. It performs exceptionally well in separation, filtration and reinforcement functions altogether to enhance the safety, reliability and serviceability of paved and unpaved roadways.
Features & Benefits
- Outstanding filtration characteristics with high tensile strength and low elongation
- Extraordinary solution for subgrade stabilization and base reinforcement
- High quality, durability and cost effectiveness
- Reduce rutting
- Reduce inhomogeneous settlement
- Improve traffic ability
- Extend road service life
- Reduce required base course materials
- Lower maintenance costs
- Use in heavy rainfall/ high water table areas
- Use with some difficult soils
- Allow permeable pavement systems
Production Process & Workshop

- Subgrade Stabilization
- Base Reinforcement
- Earthwork Construction
- Driveways /Streets/Roadways/Board roads
- Land reclamation
- Construction Site Access / Haul Roads
- Railways
- Storage and Staging Areas
- Parking Lots